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Rockwell Director Kristin Swain Receives State-wide Recognition

April 18, 2016 

Kristin Swain with MANY Executive Director, Devin Lander, in Lake Placid, NY

Kristin A. Swain, Executive Director of The Rockwell Museum, was honored during the Museum Association of New York’s annual conference today.  Nominated by Rockwell staff and approved by the MANY panel, Swain received the Anne Ackerson Innovation in Leadership Award for ‘Reinventing The Rockwell: 40 Years of Unwavering Dedication’ and bringing The Rockwell and its people through significant change.  

The Award of Merit is the highest honor and given to institutions or individuals whose projects represent outstanding contributions to the field and overall innovation and excellence.  Nominations, reviewed by a panel of museum professionals, are considered on their own merit. The Award of Merit program acknowledges outstanding programs and individuals who have made the state’s museum community richer and more relevant. 

Leading into its 40th anniversary this year, Swain guided both staff and Board of Trustees through the broadening of The Rockwell’s mission, transitioning focus from the American West to ‘art about the American experience.’ 

Below are a few recent accomplishments that The Rockwell has achieved under this strategic shift: 

  • Museum attendance increased by 20% from 2014 to 2015
  • The Rockwell was named a Smithsonian Affiliate – the only Smithsonian conduit to Upstate NY and one of only some 200 across the nation.
  • Financial support from major benefactors consistently grows each year, supporting the over 14,000 students and families who participate in our arts in education programming
  • Customer satisfaction to The Rockwell continues to grow, and is currently at an unprecedented 9.5 out of 10 satisfaction rating. 

Museum Association of New York is a non-profit organization, which provides resources, training and expertise to New York’s heritage organizations, and museums, thereby strengthening their capacity to better serve their communities and meet their institutional missions.