Katherine Banerjee, Associate Curator
banerjeek@rockwellmuseum.org -
Kristen Bocek-Kahn, Operations Manager
bocek-kahnk@rockwellmuseum.org -
Lukas Brown, Retail and Guest Services Assistant Manager
brownl@rockwellmuseum.org -
Paul Dressen, Preparator
dressenp@rockwellmuseum.org -
Kevin Falkenberg, Fund Development Manager
falkenbergk@rockwellmuseum.org -
Katherine Fultz, Education Specialist
fultzk@rockwellmuseum.org -
Lisa Gill, Director of Finance and Operations
gilll@rockwellmuseum.org -
Sherry Kirk, Executive Liaison and Financial Manager
kirks@rockwellmuseum.org -
Amanda Lett, Curator of Collections and Exhibitions
letta@rockwellmuseum.org -
Katharine Mead, Membership and Grants Manager
meadk@rockwellmuseum.org -
Mary Mix, Director of Education
mixm@rockwellmuseum.org -
Ann Recotta, Education and Volunteer Programs Coordinator
recottaa@rockwellmuseum.org -
Rita Reed, Retail and Guest Services Manager
reedr@rockwellmuseum.org -
Amy Ruza, Youth and Visitor Engagement Educator
ruzaa@rockwellmuseum.org -
Emily Smith, Registrar
smithe@rockwellmuseum.org -
Jess Spady, Communications and Digital Media Manager
spadyj@rockwellmuseum.org -
Janelle Steiner, Programs and Events Manager
steinerj@rockwellmuseum.org -
Bryn Van Horne , Marketing and Advancement Assistant
Willa Rose Vogel, Director of Advancement and Communications
Guest Services
Nick Drake
Sophie Gilbert
Sylvia Kete
Felicia Lash
Nancy Mcgrath
Candy Sankey
Emily Stein
Megan Walsh
Dan Burdick, Security Officer
Denise Sarro, Security Officer
Supporting Staff
Ellen Corradini, Interim Chief Human Resources Officer
The Rockwell Museum Board of Trustees shape our mission and purpose and set the strategic framework and long-term plan. They are some of the Museum’s most generous supporters and articulate ambassadors. They play an integral role in supporting all Rockwell initiatives. Our group of trustees is a diverse group of leaders from fields such as business, art, law, non-profit and education.
Melissa Gambol, President
Joy Macafee, Vice President
Autumn M. Pawlowski, Treasurer
Sandra Zuraski, Assistant Treasurer
Tyler Quanbeck, Secretary
John Tobin, Past President
Colleen Caravati
Maarit Clay
Laura Coleman
Maria Goldwyn
Denise A. Hauselt
Nick LaPuma
Ashley Lomboy
Barry Nicholson
Thomas Pisano
Emily Simon
Camille Torres
Sandra Zuraski
Trustee Emeriti
James R. Houghton
E. Marie McKee
Joanna Wurtele
Our volunteers are more than just appreciated members of the Rockwell community — they are the very foundation of our success. Our committed docents and program assistants commit many hours annually, fostering meaningful arts experiences with both youth and adults.
Natalie Abruzzo
Jan Altilio
Linda Baxter
Julie Biviano
Pat Ciccariello
Nancy Doutt
Kathi Dwyer
Lynn Eusden
Mary Franklin
Kathy Gill
Roberta Hirliman
Lizz Jones
Janna Keser
Sylvia Kete
Jacqueline Knitter
Pam Lally
Judy O'Connell
Nancy O’Loughlin
Pam Schmitt
Bev Stevens
Faith Tarby
Michael Tarby
Judy Thomas
Susan Vermillion
Scott Vonderheide
Linda Wilcox
Lorraine Williams
The Rockwell embraces broad and intentional internal and external collaborations, partnerships and coalitions to strengthen and activate our mission. A mix of staff, board members and community members serve on committees that activate the Museum’s mission and work.
Melissa Gambol, President
Joy Macafee, Vice President
Autumn Pawlowski, Treasurer
Sandra Zuraski, Secretary
Laura Coleman, Collections
Barry Nicholson, Fund Development/Silver Dollar Society
Maria Goldwyn, Education
Education Committee
Maria Goldwyn, Chair
Maarit Clay
Tammie Edinger
Mary Franklin
Melissa Gambol
Jill Getola
Ashley Lomboy
Linda Wilcox
Mary Mix, staff liaison
Ann Recotta, staff liaison
Finance/Audit Committees
Autumn Pawlowski, Chair
Melissa Gambol
Denise Hauselt
Joy Macafee
Nick LaPuma
Tom Pisano
Lisa Gill, staff liaison
Fund Development
Barry Nicholson, Chair
Colleen Caravati
Bruce Chalmers
Melissa Gambol
Tyler Quanbeck
John Tobin
Willa Vogel, staff liaison
Katharine Mead, staff liaison
Kevin Falkenberg, staff liaison
Laura Coleman, Chair
Monica Bankston
Kelly Conway
Beth Dann
Melissa Gambol
Marie McKee
Emily Simon
John Tobin
Camille Torres
Amanda Lett, staff liaison