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Rockwell Volunteers…
You Guessed It – They ROCK!

rockwellvolunteers2015December is a time of giving. That’s why we’d like to take the opportunity to publicly recognize all of the amazing hard work and hours that our volunteers give all year long. Our volunteers are more than just appreciated members of the Rockwell community—they are the very foundation of our success.

In 2015, The Rockwell’s 25 volunteers dedicated over 1,340 hours and…

  • Served 7,509 students through The Rockwell’s school tour and outreach programs
  • Served 1,388 adults through the adult tour program
  • Supported 4,530 visitors of all ages through Education Programs and events, such as El Dia de los Muertos, FunDay Sunday and School’s Out! Family Days.

Because of the dedication of our volunteers, The Education Department delivered meaningful arts experiences to 14% more people in 2015 than in 2014, for a total of 13,427 visitors and community members – that’s more than the population of Corning, NY! 

Thank you for all that you do!