Sweet, sweet competition.
The Annual Gingerbread Invitational is an exhibition of artful gingerbread creations by baking enthusiasts and community members of all skill levels. Make a visit to The Rockwell part of your family’s holiday tradition by casting your vote for the Community Choice Award! Plus, find seasonal gingerbread-themed activities for kids throughout the Museum and Art Lab.
Visit & vote through December 31, 2023
See all of the 2023 gingerbread creations >>
- Individuals or teams submit design applications, responding to a unique annual theme.
- Up to 12 submissions are selected to be featured in the Gingerbread Invitational exhibition – each artist/team has approximately 1 month to create their design and drop it off at The Rockwell Museum. Each team is awarded a $50 honorarium to help compensate them for their materials.
- Once the exhibition opens for the season (approximately Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day), visitors to The Rockwell vote for their favorite gingerbread creations–the winner of the coveted Community Choice Award announced in January takes home a $500 prize and a hand-crafted trophy by ceramic artist Colleen McCall.
• All participants will receive thank-you honorariums in the form of a $50 VISA gift card and ceramic medallions created by local artist Colleen McCall.
• Community Choice Award Winner will receive a $500 gift card, plus a Ceramic Trophy created by Colleen McCall.