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TRL! Music on the Terrace featuring Top Shelf

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Location: Terrace (Floor 3)

Open to the public | Rockwell Members: Free, Not-Yet-Members: $10
Advance registration required by 5:00 p.m. on July 11 

Join us for our summer music series featuring live music and specialty cocktails inspired by a work of art from the Museum’s exhibition or collection. 

  • Light refreshments, specialty cocktails and cash bar. 
  • Museum members receive a complimentary drink ticket.
    Not yet a Rockwell Member? Join today >> 
  • Event takes place rain or shine! 

Top Shelf has been sharing their love of music with the finger Lakes Region for forty years.  Fronted by Anita Lewis for the past twenty, the band brings soul, funk and jazz to dancefloors everywhere. And with local legends like Joel Carberry on Drums, John Manfredi on guitar, Steve Webb on bass and newest member, James Perry on keys the band puts decades of experience into every note they play. Their intention is to spread the joy of music to everyone, with old songs that have stood the test of time and new songs that are destined to do the same. They invite you to get up and dance or sit back and relax while we take a trip, together, through some of the best parts of modern music history.

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